Legal Town Council (Back Row, L-R): CAO Robert Proulx, Councillor Malott, Councillor Hills; (Front Row, L-R): Deputy Mayor Beaton, Mayor Tremblay, Councillor Jones
Legal Town Council (Back Row, L-R): CAO Robert Proulx, Councillor Malott, Councillor Hills; (Front Row, L-R): Deputy Mayor Beaton, Mayor Tremblay, Councillor Jones
Carol Tremblay, Mayor
Carol has been an entrepreneur for 24 years. Her interests have varied including childcare to her now current part-time home based printing and office service. Carol also holds a part-time administrative position at a local business within Sturgeon County. She is an active member of the Legal community and it is important to her to remain such by volunteering within the organizations. After personally experiencing the efforts of residents involved in service groups she is driven to do more. She subsequently ran for council during a municipal bi-election in 2012. There she continues her work for Legal with passion. She is building the services that contribute to community growth (both business and residential). Her willingness to contribute and being open to new prospects gives her a distinct advantage in making new connections for Legal to move forward.
With her husband and family being active in Legal it has become an aspiration of Carols to create a legacy that their child and someday grandchildren will be proud of. She loves to see the community rally together and form such a proud, warm, and driven town. She continues to be a part of that with council duties.
Carol is respectful, approachable and honest. These attributes set Legal apart by namely putting people first and in turn serving the community with many causes.
Andrew Beaton, Deputy Mayor
Andy Beaton has been a resident of Legal for more than thirteen years living with his wife and two young children.
Andy has always enjoyed volunteering and giving back to his community by serving on multiple societies and local non profits such as; Legal Citizens on Patrol, Fete Au Village committee, as well as the Town crier for the event, Friends of Legal Library Society, Friends of Legal School Society, Legal Lions Club, coaching minor sports, and volunteer writer for the Legal-Lerie. He also loves to spend his time on “Andy Cane Lane” spreading Christmas spirit to the residents of Legal.
Andy is dedicated to spending his time on Town Council encouraging new businesses to the community, helping with jobs for the young people of Legal, and grow the local economy. He plans to focus on helping the existing recreational facilities grow and add new ones. As well as new programs and activities for the youth of Legal.
Pat Hills, Councillor
Pat wished to be a voice for the member of the community of Legal. His work with council and the businesses develop relationships within the community. He has a keen interest in what drives growth forward in Legal.
Pat has been active in many forms in the community and has served many causes. A volunteer in many community initiatives, past volunteer and President of Legal Ambulance Service and 35 years on the Legal Fire Department show his commitment to his community.
Actively supporting community groups in meeting their goals is an action plan for Pat. He enjoys collaborating with neighbouring communities to create Regional Management Plans, all extending back to the forward growth of Legal. Pat is encouraged by the prospect of future opportunities for Legal.
Pat is a long-time resident of Legal. His wife and family have enjoyed the town, its people, families and history. His suggestions to council are to focus on the next stages of economic development and in addition advocating for more policing in improvement to keep Legal a safe place for our children to grow and where seniors can age in place.
Trina Jones, Councillor
Trina was elected for her third team on council for Legal in October 2017. Her tireless work began in 2010 as she expanded on her work in the community of Legal and became more interested in government. She has a background in Systems Analysis and Internet Solutions Development, Emergency Management, Emergency Social Services, and Economic and Community Development. She brings not only this extensive background and more in her professional strengths but also a passion for commitment to her community. Trina’s attention to detail, organizational skills, and passion to see Legal grow and prosper makes her an asset to council moving forward.
With her husband and family by her side, Trina has been involved in the action of Legal with preschool programs, soccer, fastball, Fete, parent council, and Sturgeon Family Violence Prevention. She namely puts people first and her “out of the box” thinking solves problems.
She is striving to improve Legal’s community quality of life by providing a safe sustainable environment through planning and co-operation.
Fred Malott, Councillor
Fred has a background with the Canadian Armed Forces and Alberta Wild Fire Management. This background has enabled him to act as a leader in Legal providing for its citizens by creating an open working relationship. He is a highly dedicated and reliable individual who has a keen interest in what drives growth in Legal and what he can do to set this community apart.
An active volunteer with many community groups for the past 20 years, Fred has developed good working relationships. He stays connected and this gives him a sense of belonging and appreciation of what can be built in Legal. Building relationships to show we are open for business, all of which will result in a resilient and prosperous community represents Fred’s aspirations.
After travelling extensively around Alberta, Fred retired in Legal. He saw this community as a friendly safe place with caring people. A place where he wished for his children to be raised. Fred wanted to be part of a town council that ensured Legal remains attractive to individuals and families for years to come.
Town Council is composed of elected officials whose principal role and responsibilities under the Municipal Government Act are:
People relying on government programs expect fair treatment when a decision affects their lives and wellbeing. Most of the time, public services are delivered effectively and, in the public’s best interest. However, when problems arise, the Ombudsman’s office is here to listen and objectively investigate complaints.