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Strategic Plan

 "An inclusive and growing community that celebrates its diverse heritage.”

The Town of Legal develops and implements Term of Council, and longer term priorities to ensure that programs and services address the changing needs of the community. These priorities are presented in the Town’s Strategic Plan every four years with each new Term of Council.

The 2022-2025 Strategic Plan is the key corporate planning document that defines what Council plans to accomplish over its four-year term. It contains the Term of Council Priorities, approved by Council in 2022.

This Strategic Plan identifies our key strategic priorities over a 4-year period from 2022-2025. The Strategic Plan guides our decision making, and informs the annual Operating and Capital Budgets to allow Council’s priorities to be realized.

From the annually approved budgets, key operational work will be identified that will achieve Council’s strategic priorities, including performance measurements and indicators that will showcase success.

The priorities are centered around five Foundations for Success: Diverse Business & Residential Growth, Excellence in Service Delivery & Infrastructure, Effective & Responsible Governance, Enviable Quality of Life, and Strong Partnerships & Advocacy. Under these Foundations there are 12 Strategic Priorities, with clear outcomes and concrete actions.

Our Strategy


An inclusive and growing community that celebrates its diverse heritage.


Through strong partnerships and advocacy, we provide our community with effective & responsible governance, high quality infrastructure, excellent service delivery and a fulfilling quality of life.


We commit to core values in every aspect of governance, oversight and operations. Council and administration adhere to four guiding principles in order to fulfill the community’s strategic objectives:

  1. Respectful: We build and support a diverse community and culture. We consider other opinions and perspectives and support one another.
  2. Collaborative: We encourage participation, partnerships & feedback while carefully considering its application. We regularly communicate decisions, supporting information and purposes.
  3. Responsible: We are professional and accountable for our behaviour, actions, and decisions. We provide honest, factual, relevant, and timely information to enable informed decisions. We are wise stewards of finance and of the environment.
  4. Innovative: We proactively seek out new opportunities and solutions. We are optimistic, approachable, and positive.