Legal has everything you need to live a happy and healthy life!
People volunteer for many reasons. It may be to support a cause they are passionate about or to engage in their community. Volunteering is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the world.
Benefits of Volunteering
Builds Community – strengthens your community, strengthens your social network, and cultivates friendships.
Ends loneliness and social isolation – volunteering gets you out of the house. It helps you get active and enables you to interact with others.
Increases socialization – studies show that social interaction improves mental and physical health. It improves brain function and lowers the risk for depression and anxiety.
Builds bonds and creates friendships – meaningful bonds and friendships may help you live longer.
Develops emotional stability – studies show, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), low self-esteem, and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have all been helped by volunteering.
Improves self-esteem – when teens and young adults volunteer, they develop self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of self-worth.
Promotes longevity – everyone benefits from a little boost in physical health. Long-term volunteers have longer lives, less disease, and better overall health.
Leads to graceful aging – volunteering gives people a renewed sense of purpose. Engaging with others leads to happiness.
Improves school and college experiences – volunteering builds social skills and develops awareness. It gives people a leading edge when applying for post-secondary education.
Provides better job prospects – civic mindedness is an asset in the workplace. Employers look favorably on job applicants who have volunteered.
Fun for years – one volunteer can change the lives of those around them and around the world.
The Town of Legal is looking for a volunteer willing to help low income residents with filing tax returns. The following would be provided:
Free Income Tax Software for e-filing returns
Ongoing support
If this is something you are interested in, please contact the Town Office at 780-961-3773 or email:
Sturgeon Victim Services
Are you caring and compassionate? Do you want to help people who have been victimized by crime or trauma? Are you over 18 and living in Sturgeon County?
If so, Sturgeon Victim Services is looking for you!!
All volunteers will:
Receive current and relevant training opportunities
Have an opportunity to attend community events and fundraisers
Advocates will:
Give information, support and referrals to victims of crime and trauma
Attend crisis situations and provide RCMP assistance to victims
Our community is continuously looking for individuals who would like to donate some of their time to local service groups, non-profit organizations, societies and Town run or sponsored programs.
If you would like to volunteer, please add yourself to the Town's volunteer list by completing the Volunteer Registry Form or by contacting to the Town Office. You will receive notification when volunteer opportunities are available or when organizations are looking for assistance.
To register as a volunteer, you can submit your name online by filling out your information in the "Volunteer Registry" below, by print the online form and dropping off at the Town Office or by contacting to the Town Office.